Title: Fukushima: Should 2012 Doomsday List of Cataclysmic Events Include Nuclear Radiation Nightmare? :: D Post by: beast on Jun 09, 2011 01:29:28 AM
According to TEPCO, it may be %u2018up to a year' before they get a handle on the radiation spewing from their fragile, heavily damaged nuclear reactors. The year 2012, %u2018Doomsday' according those who believe in the Mayan Calendar Prophesy. The list of potential cataclysmic events include a deadly asteroid strike, the comet %u2018Elenin' and/or a supervolcano eruption. One wonders, if you've been keeping up with the news about Fukushima, if worldwide nuclear radiation should be added to the 2012 cataclysmic list?
http://deathby1000papercuts.com/2011/06/fukushima-should-2012-doomsday-list-of-cataclysmic-events-include-nuclear-radiation-nightmare/ Fukushima: Should 2012 Doomsday List of Cataclysmic Events Include Nuclear Radiation Nightmare? :: DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts - DBKP |